Concepts of Educational Technology
When I first began this course, I envisioned attaining information regarding integrating technology, the use of technology in the classrooms and how to incorporate the technology in my classroom. Although the course was a little overwhelming than I envisioned it to be, I learned a lot about new tools necessary for collaborating and working more effectively with colleagues, students, parents, and administrators. Web 2.0 digital tools like blogging, social bookmarking, podcasts and Wiki Spaces proved to be valuable tools when integrating technology but require effective planning and time. I am in the process of implementing these tools in my classroom as well as throughout my campus. I become an advocate even though I have encounter opposition during this process due to some Educators do not feel comfortable with these tools mainly do to their lack of training and exposure. Persuasion and training of educators are key factors to help them get out of their comfort zone. Which will help schools align and comply with the Texas STaR chart and the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology.
Concepts of Educational Technology surpass all expectations and outcomes that I envisioned of this course. It provided me with technology concepts and skills I didn’t even foresee were out there. I got acquainted with technology terms and processes like the STaR chart and how it relates to the Texas Ling Range Plan for Technology. Using and working with Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and other collaborative tools had provided me with opportunities to get familiarize with them and put them to practice. These relevant new skills have equipped me with a higher level of understanding in the technology world to be used to incorporate technology effectively in my classroom to improve student academic success. Now I have a better understanding that as a technology teacher I should make sure that I have the necessary tools to help all students bridge the technological gap that exists in our school campus.
I discovered that technology is not being correctly integrated in all classrooms in my school campus and teachers are not motivated to transition and do not know how to integrate this new digital tools in to their teaching. The need for adequate budgeting to provide the necessary upgrades for schools that do not have the necessary infrastructure, equipment and still not ready for this transition. I feel that I could promote and incorporate the use of online communities (wikis) to examine the challenges and obstacles that we confront both the educators and students in using technology successfully and effectively in the 21st Century. As there is an extraordinary need for more technology staff development and workshops. Necessary to provide educators with the knowledge and essential skills needed to transition to a 21st Century technology learning environment in our schools. I believe as Educators it’s our responsibility advocate for the implementation and promote change in old ineffective teacher center habits.
Concepts of Educational Technology work and assignments were very demanding and required good planning and time management. At the beginning of this course I felt over whelmed due to the nature that this was my first experience taking a masters level course. As time went by I developed the skills needed to fulfill all the assignments requirements. I still need to keep polishing my new acquired technological skills. I enjoy creating a blog and a wiki space and getting engage in the different board discussions. The combination of tools (videos, readings and links provided) used during this course were appropriated a relevant to today’s technologies been used and trends in the educational world. The web conferences gave us a sense of community as a group. Professor Borel kept us up-to-date, provided personalized help that made me feel more comfortable and eased my sense of frustration at times and built my sense of confidence to successfully complete the course.
I learned that time its precious and I had to stay focused to not fall behind. I learned that even though I posses some experience in the technology world and try to keep my self up to date there were big holes and gaps in my knowledge. Also that is not enough to learn and acquire Technology knowledge you also need to be able to use, implement, collaborate on it and be engage in the process. Through out the course I discovered new digital tools such as Web 2.0 digital tools like blogging, social bookmarking, podcasts and Wiki Spaces proved to be valuable tools and how to integrate them to enhance my student learning skills. Concepts of Educational Technology help to change my attitude I realized that I have so much more to learn and I need to keep my self up to date with new resources and using them in creative ways. To prepare my students with the technology skills that they will need to be successful in life.