Thursday, March 28, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 5.
During week 5 Thursday, March 28,we did not have a final Webinar conference but Dr. Cortez-Rucker reminded us on the Blackboard of all items we needed to get completed such as, participate in the discussion board, Update your vitae, turn in your PISE and/or ETLISE, create a Draft Professional Development Growth Plan, revise Internship Plan, revise Action Research Plan and submit required documents to TK20. He congratulated us, offer further assistance and stated he is looking forward to work with us again!

Monday, March 25, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 4.
During the Web Conference on Thursday, March 21, began around 7:00 p.m.  Dr. Cortez-Rucker discussed the assignment for this week that includes the continuation of the drafting process of our Action Research paper. He explained one more time the AR template and answers any pending questions. In addition, Dr. Cortez-Rucker took time to discuss the nine elements for this week’s assignment.  We will be adding these nine components to the eight components that we had in Week 3 assignment.  This will complete the seventeen necessary questions or components required in this course.  It was pointed out that the seventeen questions or components that we are working with in this course serve as a draft for the actual essay format that we will work with in our later course.   

Sunday, March 17, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 3.
During week 3 web conference for EDLD 5397, Dr. Cortez-Rucker discussed the assignment for this week that includes drafting our Action Research paper. He explained the AR template and covered the different steps that must be included as part of our inquiry paper. In addition, he mentioned the type’s documents formats we should utilize to record our findings, present the data and commented about the importance of following APA standards. Some students share about the difficulties finding their districts or lack of IRB policy procedures in place. He also mentioned that we should incorporate our Action Research into our Internship plan. I believe he provided us with good information that help us clear lots of doubts and answer almost all questions.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 2.
I attended my second EDLD 5397 web conference unfortunately, Dr. Cortez-Rucker was not available to attend the web conference for week 2 Thursday March 7, 2013 at 7pm; however he posted an overview to ensure we have all the information needed for week 2. Outlining the main topics that we needed to cover and review to be prepared for the The LCE Certification exam and the Principal TExES exam. I still a little concern and feel not very confident that I have all the knowledge necessary to be successful on the exam. Even though I have read and reviewed all video preparation tutorials. One interesting note; however, I did take the practice exam in Chapter 5 of the study guide and made an 80% on it. I hope this is an indication that I am prepared for the exam. The LCE Certification exam is a program requirement and can be taken at any time after EDLD 5397. You must score an 80% to complete this requirement and to be eligible for the TExES Principal's Exam. You may take practice exams in this course. To take the exam, there are instructions on week 2 Blackboard Screen and you may take the test multiple times on Blackboard to get accustomed to the real examination.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 1.
Many students, who had questions about the course, internships and their specific graduation program, attended the web conference. The conference started with questions regarding several assignments from the current course. Students were from both the School Administrator and Educational Technology programs. One comment that was expressed and supported by other students was the confusion over expectations. Each program has different requirements.  Questions from both groups showed the differences and caused confusion; however, Dr.Cortez-Rucker was able to clarify most of the questions for most of the attendees. By the end of the conference, questions had either been answered or were listed for further inquiry and answers to be posted on our blackboard. I enjoyed the interactions between the students and the Professor. As we go through the course and continue to meet online, I believe we will become an effective learning community for this course.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

EDLD 5363 web conference week 4

Tonight I had the opportunity to take part in a web conference with our course Professor Dr. Abernathy. The discussion began  going over the expectations for week 4 and week 5, specifically what items were due to turn in during each week. Dr. Abernathy communicated us that we should be making progress this week on our Core Content Student Center Video Project and also keep  updating our pre-production plans. There is no assigments to submit in this week. However, in week 5 we will turn in our completed Core Content Student Center Video Project and our updated pre-production plan. She also told us to be sure to post our Final video to our e-portfolio, blog, TK20 and YouTube. She reminded us the need to submit the link to our Google doc and any evidence of our group team communication and collaborations from the past three weeks.

EDLD 5363 Web Conference Week 3

Week 3 web conference was very informative. I became a team member of L'BEAM production group for week 3 to 5 for the Multimedia and Video Technology course. I am already working on the pre-planing phase of our project called THINK (Tutoring Helps Inspire New Knowledge) and I will be helping in the copyright section and as an editor during the production of this student core content digital video project. Dr. Abernathy provided answers and cleared up the confusion about if we needed to submit a script or a storyboard. She advised us to create both as a way to learn from the experience and benefit from making either one. She also clarified the difference between both of them and the need for the story board be digital and provided samples on how to make it digital. She also stated that the storyboard could be written or drawn. Aleida one of our team member will be working on this part of the project. Some students asked what type of available freeware video editing software they could use, and there were many suggestions Imovie, Camstudio and Windows Movie Maker. I chose and will be working with Windows Movie Maker for editing our group project video.
EDLD 5363 Web Conference Week 2

Tonight’s web conference focused on clearing up question about our course requirements. There were questions about postings to the discussion board; there was a confusion regarding if we needed to post to the discussion board for week 5 due to the absence of a link for that week. Dr. Abernathy restated that she had posted on the blackboard that there is not a discussion board posting for week five. She reminded us to use these as a place for conversations about the assignments or other course related topics. She does not expect them to be used only for the specific discussion assignments or reading quotes. But rather we were advised to  use them to find a partner to discuss assignments week 1 & 2 and gather  people to form a collaborative group for weeks 3, 4, and 5, reviewing scripts, and any other topics you would like discuss and find answers.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

EDLD 5363 Multimedia and Video Technology

Reflections Week 1 – Personal Digital Story  

I had the opportunity to use Microsoft Photo story 3 to create my first personal digital story.  At the begging it seen complicated but it was a lot easier than I expected it. Due to my lack of knowledge using photo story 3, I recurred to several YouTube tutorials to get me acquainted with this program. Choosing the music and maintaining my story script around two minutes were my biggest challenges. But the more I read the script the easier became to edit it and keep it concise. After much editing, music and voice syncing and lots of practicing everything worked out for good.  I was able to complete my project. I posted the final product to my blog, wiki and you tube. It was great to share ideas and get excellent ideas and tips for writing my script and keeping it around two minutes.  I really hope that when you watch my digital story, you will appreciate it and get to know a little of me as a person. It has been fun and sentimental journey putting this project together.

It has always amazed me how impacting can a personal story be. Here is mine. Enjoy!