Sunday, March 3, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 1.
Many students, who had questions about the course, internships and their specific graduation program, attended the web conference. The conference started with questions regarding several assignments from the current course. Students were from both the School Administrator and Educational Technology programs. One comment that was expressed and supported by other students was the confusion over expectations. Each program has different requirements.  Questions from both groups showed the differences and caused confusion; however, Dr.Cortez-Rucker was able to clarify most of the questions for most of the attendees. By the end of the conference, questions had either been answered or were listed for further inquiry and answers to be posted on our blackboard. I enjoyed the interactions between the students and the Professor. As we go through the course and continue to meet online, I believe we will become an effective learning community for this course.

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