Monday, March 25, 2013

EDLD 5397 Internship for Supervision 

Web conference week 4.
During the Web Conference on Thursday, March 21, began around 7:00 p.m.  Dr. Cortez-Rucker discussed the assignment for this week that includes the continuation of the drafting process of our Action Research paper. He explained one more time the AR template and answers any pending questions. In addition, Dr. Cortez-Rucker took time to discuss the nine elements for this week’s assignment.  We will be adding these nine components to the eight components that we had in Week 3 assignment.  This will complete the seventeen necessary questions or components required in this course.  It was pointed out that the seventeen questions or components that we are working with in this course serve as a draft for the actual essay format that we will work with in our later course.   

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