Saturday, December 22, 2012

EDLD 5363 web conference week 4

Tonight I had the opportunity to take part in a web conference with our course Professor Dr. Abernathy. The discussion began  going over the expectations for week 4 and week 5, specifically what items were due to turn in during each week. Dr. Abernathy communicated us that we should be making progress this week on our Core Content Student Center Video Project and also keep  updating our pre-production plans. There is no assigments to submit in this week. However, in week 5 we will turn in our completed Core Content Student Center Video Project and our updated pre-production plan. She also told us to be sure to post our Final video to our e-portfolio, blog, TK20 and YouTube. She reminded us the need to submit the link to our Google doc and any evidence of our group team communication and collaborations from the past three weeks.

EDLD 5363 Web Conference Week 3

Week 3 web conference was very informative. I became a team member of L'BEAM production group for week 3 to 5 for the Multimedia and Video Technology course. I am already working on the pre-planing phase of our project called THINK (Tutoring Helps Inspire New Knowledge) and I will be helping in the copyright section and as an editor during the production of this student core content digital video project. Dr. Abernathy provided answers and cleared up the confusion about if we needed to submit a script or a storyboard. She advised us to create both as a way to learn from the experience and benefit from making either one. She also clarified the difference between both of them and the need for the story board be digital and provided samples on how to make it digital. She also stated that the storyboard could be written or drawn. Aleida one of our team member will be working on this part of the project. Some students asked what type of available freeware video editing software they could use, and there were many suggestions Imovie, Camstudio and Windows Movie Maker. I chose and will be working with Windows Movie Maker for editing our group project video.
EDLD 5363 Web Conference Week 2

Tonight’s web conference focused on clearing up question about our course requirements. There were questions about postings to the discussion board; there was a confusion regarding if we needed to post to the discussion board for week 5 due to the absence of a link for that week. Dr. Abernathy restated that she had posted on the blackboard that there is not a discussion board posting for week five. She reminded us to use these as a place for conversations about the assignments or other course related topics. She does not expect them to be used only for the specific discussion assignments or reading quotes. But rather we were advised to  use them to find a partner to discuss assignments week 1 & 2 and gather  people to form a collaborative group for weeks 3, 4, and 5, reviewing scripts, and any other topics you would like discuss and find answers.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

EDLD 5363 Multimedia and Video Technology

Reflections Week 1 – Personal Digital Story  

I had the opportunity to use Microsoft Photo story 3 to create my first personal digital story.  At the begging it seen complicated but it was a lot easier than I expected it. Due to my lack of knowledge using photo story 3, I recurred to several YouTube tutorials to get me acquainted with this program. Choosing the music and maintaining my story script around two minutes were my biggest challenges. But the more I read the script the easier became to edit it and keep it concise. After much editing, music and voice syncing and lots of practicing everything worked out for good.  I was able to complete my project. I posted the final product to my blog, wiki and you tube. It was great to share ideas and get excellent ideas and tips for writing my script and keeping it around two minutes.  I really hope that when you watch my digital story, you will appreciate it and get to know a little of me as a person. It has been fun and sentimental journey putting this project together.

It has always amazed me how impacting can a personal story be. Here is mine. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 5 – Final Reflections

At first, I was a little worried about taking the action research course.  Research for me was a complicated course I had taken long time ago when I was in college back in 1987.  To my amazement, I discovered that action research simply meant, “Systematic, intentional study of one’s own professional practice.”  (Dana, 2009, p. 9) and that I have performed this process before for the past six years while reading and studying for myself.  I have posed questions and had wonderings that led to collecting and analyzing data while making decisions that would lead to change in my classroom and my school. 

I have learned a lot in this Research course, although it was a little difficult at first to understand because I was not actually conducting my research, but I had to prepare to conduct the research through research information, inquiries, wonderings and questions to ensure that my research was a related and relevant topic to the action that needed to be addressed.

This Research course was very demanding compared to the other courses that I have taken so far for this master’s program. It required a lot of time and research. I acquired a lot of information through the readings each week and enjoyed the weekly discussions with my peers. I found that the assignments were reasonably understandable and I did learn a lot when I did the assignments because I had to research and read the required readings for this course.

I found spending the first two weeks in investigating and looking at examples of inquiry very beneficial in developing my own inquiry topic. The paces of the assignment requirements were valuable in fully realizing, reflecting, and organizing my inquiry. On week 3, it was beneficial to do the Action Research Plan using the template because it forced us to get the “big picture” of how we would conduct the research. It also made us reflect on areas that we did not consider such as what materials would be needed to do the research.

The Discussion Board was an instrumental tool for the course. I learned a lot from reading other people’s research topics. The feedback and resources I received from others was key to helping me organize my research. The interactions with others allowed me to share some of my experiences and find connections.

I believed that after all the research is conducted and analyzed the importance of sharing my work with others is very critical in solving the problem or issue on our campus. (Dana, 2009) That's why it is critical that you “get into the pond” and share your inquiry not only for yourself, your teachers, your students, and other administrators but for the profession as a whole as well!” I believe in this proclamation because once you share your wealth of information or knowledge about your inquiry or findings, you can benefit by making a positive change or explanation on your own thinking.  I also believe in using the four critical tasks to share my inquiry with others.  By utilizing these four critical tasks, researchers can better understand and reflect on their findings and begin a new cycle of inquiry in the future.

Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,
Harris, S., Edmonson, S., and Combs, J. (2010). Examining What We Do To Improve Our Schools: 8 Steps to Improve Our Schools. Larchmont, NY. Eye on Education Press.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 4 – Action Research Project Revised

Action Planning Template Revised
Inquiry Question:
How can teachers use digital document cameras ELMOs to effectively increase student engagement and maximize their learning through the use of technology in the classroom?
How can I integrate this technology into my curriculum lesson planning?

  1. I will research and learn about the use of digital document cameras ELMOs to engage and maximize student learning.
  2. Teachers will learn to use digital document camera technology with an effective educational intent.
  3. Teachers will learn about various strategies and techniques to effectively engage students in their learning.
  4. Teacher will learn how to integrate this technology into their curriculum lesson planning.
  1. I will write and review lesson plans incorporating technology engagement strategies.
  2. I will conduct online research on effective techniques to engage students when using technology tools.
  3. I will provide online resources and train fellow teacher in the use of educational sites for self inquiry and training in the use of this technology.
  4. Teachers will participate in Survey Monkey.

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Teacher research.
I will look for educational sites that will meet the goal of my inquiry.

Edwardo Marquez
Feb. 10, 2012 to Dec. 2013
Internet, School Technology Facilitator, Technology experts, Research articles.
Online research and literature review.
Write and review lesson plans incorporating technology engagement strategies.

Edwardo Marquez
Mar. 2012 to Dec. 2013
Personal Computer, Word Processor application.
Lesson assessments
Teacher lesson techniques activities using the digital document

Edwardo Marquez
Students Teachers
Mar. 2012 to Dec. 2013
Teacher classrooms, Computer lab, Internet, reflective journal.
Self reflections (written and discussions)
Survey Monkey
Teachers participate in providing advice on strategies

Edwardo Marquez
Nov. 2012, Feb. 2013, Apr. 2013
Computer lab, Internet email.
Survey Monkey that reflects Teachers experiences.
Reflection of Effectiveness of the Inquiry

Edwardo Marquez
Nov. 2012, Feb. 2013, Apr. 2013
Survey data.
Reflect on collected data and inquiry process.
Share results of the inquiry with other teachers who use digital document cameras in the classroom.

Edwardo Marquez
May 2013
Computer lab, Instructional Planning, Grade Level Meetings, emails.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 3 – Action Research Project

During this week, we focused on developing a detailed action research plan. I learned that there are many steps of how to conduct action research or strategies to follow in developing your Action Research Plan.  

Learning Outcomes:

1.    Develop a clear and concise research question and/or statement to address the school improvement project(s).
2.    Identify and analyze the common steps or format to design an action research plan (e.g., methods for data collection/analysis, research tools needed, etc.).

Performance Outcomes:

1)    Write a research question and/or clear statement to address the possible areas for action research emerging from the interview and brainstorming.
2)    Draft an action research plan that includes:
·       Goals and objectives of the research investigation

·       Resources and research tools needed for data gathering

·       Persons responsible for implementation of the action research plan

·       Process for monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives

·       Assessment instrument(s) to evaluate the effectiveness of the action research study

3)    Review the steps in my research plan and make any needed revisions.

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 3 – Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Inquiry Question:
How can teachers use digital document cameras ELMOs to effectively increase student engagement and maximize their learning through the use of technology in the classroom?
How can I integrate this technology into my curriculum lesson planning?

  1. I will research and learn about the use of digital document cameras ELMOs to engage and maximize student learning.
  2. Teachers will learn to use digital document camera technology with an effective educational intent.
  3. Teachers will learn about various strategies and techniques to effectively engage students in their learning.
  4. Teacher will learn how to integrate this technology into their curriculum lesson planning.
  1. I will write and review lesson plans incorporating technology engagement strategies.
  2. I will conduct online research on effective techniques to engage students when using technology tools.
  3. I will provide online resources and train fellow teacher in the use of educational sites for self inquiry and training in the use of this technology.
  4. Teachers will participate in Survey Monkey.

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Teacher research.
I will look for educational sites that will meet the goal of my inquiry.

Edwardo Marquez
Feb. 10, 2012 to Dec. 2013
Internet, School Technology Facilitator, Technology experts, Research articles.
Online research and literature review.
Write and review lesson plans incorporating technology engagement strategies.

Edwardo Marquez
Mar. 2012 to Dec. 2013
Personal Computer, Word Processor application.
Lesson assessments
Teacher lesson techniques activities using the digital document

Edwardo Marquez
Students Teachers
Mar. 2012 to Dec. 2013
Teacher classrooms, Computer lab, Internet, reflective journal.
Self reflections (written and discussions)
Survey Monkey
Teachers participate in providing advice on strategies

Edwardo Marquez
Nov. 2012, Feb. 2013, Apr. 2013
Computer lab, Internet email.
Survey Monkey that reflects Teachers experiences.
Reflection of Effectiveness of the Inquiry

Edwardo Marquez
Nov. 2012, Feb. 2013, Apr. 2013
Survey data.
Reflect on collected data and inquiry process.
Share results of the inquiry with other teachers who use digital document cameras in the classroom.

Edwardo Marquez
May 2013
Computer lab, Instructional Planning, Grade Level Meetings, emails.

Friday, February 3, 2012

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 2 – Action Research Project

During Week two I contacted my site mentor Ms. Garcia our school principal to discuss my action research topics. Ms. Garcia and I agreed on Topic 1: How can William M Anderson Elementary School use digital document cameras ELMOs to effectively increase student engagement and maximize student learning in the areas such as math, science and language arts? I consider  that the research topic will provide answers  well needed by our school learning community and  will be of great benefit for all teachers in my school to find answers to common questions like: Am I taking full advantage of the implementation and integration of this new technology? How can I integrate this technology into my curriculum lesson planning?I believe that answers to this questions and many more will provide with needed technology integration strategies to meet our schools and states goals. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 1 – Action Research Project

What I Learned About Action Research?  I learned that there are many benefits of conducting an action research study. The process of Action research it’s a key factor in an effective administrators planning and performance. Different than traditional educational research where a solution to a problem comes from “outside” experts such as consultants or university researchers, action research model comes from a perspective of solutions coming from internal inquiry to address specific problems or situations that affect our schools. As a future technology leader and administrator, I can understand the importance  of making time to schedule time for research. Incorporating  time in the daily schedule for inquiring has to be a most  in our daily tasks. Once  implemented with time  this process  becomes second nature and part of your daily routine. There are so many problems that need be improved in public schools, especially in low socio economic areas. I learned that action research promotes collaboration, communication and thought stirring analysis of common problems and concerns in a school or classroom where educators identify a problem, research, use data collection and analysis, report results, reflect, find a solution and take action to improve the problem or situation. Also, having others engage in the action research will allow more people to voice their opinion and feel a part of the solution.

EDLD 5301 Reflections Week 1 – Blog Usage

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs? I can think of several ways that an educational leader might use a blog. Blogs can be an excellent  tool for educational leaders to keep communication open among various school communities and share information about coming events. They can be use as a two way communication venue where teachers can  share ideas, collect feedback and find solutions to school problems. Finally, educational leaders can use  and shape blogs as required to fulfill their schools needs.